Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 34: January 3, 2011

So, those of you who don't know...Gaige is all about doing tricks with the yoyo now. Got this shot of him doing some new trick....he's getting good!!

Caught Emma snuggling with Hunter this day. Thankfully he is so tolerant...poor pup!! :-)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 33: February 2, 2011

So this is the pose that I got when I asked Gaige what I should take a picture of him doing...nice. lol

So Emma had me make this sign for her: "Emma's New Carnival. No Boys Aloud! Only Girls!!! Except One Boy!" Haha! Oh and the once 'exception' for boys was of course her big brother...aww!! :-)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32: February 1, 2011

After supper tonight Gaige asked me if he could have some marshmallows. Little did I know that he wanted them so he could throw them up in the air for Hunter to catch. Got this picture of him playing this little 'game' and I had to use it for today's picture!

Who needs toys when you can play with a laundry basket?? That's what Emma was doing tonight. Before I took this picture she said "Look Mom, I'm a turtle!" Love her imagination!

Day 31: January 31, 2011

No need to be's not REAL blood. Gaige wanted me to get a picture of him with a fake blood capsule in his mouth...nice, huh? lol

Well, in case you can't tell, Emma wasn't very interested in having her picture taken. I asked her to smile and this is what I got....

Day 30: January 30, 2011

Got this picture of Gaige 'pretending' to be asleep. If you look closely you can see the little smirk on his face :-)

I had to use this picture for Sunday. We went to the mall while in Lancaster and my sister got Emma her very first Build-A-Bear. She had so much fun making the bear and picking out it's clothes. Love this picture of Emma and her Aunt Tink!

Day 29: January 29, 2011

This is Emma's picture for Saturday. We stopped at a little Amish village while in Lancaster and Emma got to pet a Horsey!!!

Ok, I get the WORST Mom Award for this Day. Emma and I left for Lancaster with my mom and sister and I was so busy packing and getting ready that I didn't even think to take any pictures before we left...and then we stayed overnight so I didn't see Gaige again until Sunday. So, unfortunately I didn't get a picture of Gaige for this day.... :-(

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 28: January 28, 2011

On Friday the kids and I went to Chuck E Cheese with my brother, sister and some friends. They had such a blast! Gaige won SO many tickets...he just had to show them off :-)

Emma was so proud and so excited about all the tickets she won at Chuck E Cheese!!!